On May 7th, 2024, a 17-year-old kid from the outskirts of Lithuania was instructed by the Lord to quit his business and start something new. After two days of fasting and praying for God’s guidance, on May 10th, the idea of “hevn” was born.
Two months later, after countless website remakes, manufacturing changes, and redesigns, “hevn” was launched with a “massive” marketing budget of $400.
We decided that we didn’t want to just use God’s name for profits; rather, we wanted the brand to be God’s asset and servant. So, we decided that 20% of our profits would go to funding the spreading of God’s word.
To this day, we help fund churches, online ministries, and missionaries that save souls all across the globe.
Our brand is created to take care of God’s sheep and provide them with the best clothing out there while also providing resources for the kingdom of God.
While our brand is relatively new, we are committed to playing the long game and expanding the impact we make every single day.
This is a manifesto… A promise… That no matter where this brand goes or what the numbers on our profit charts show by the end of every month, we will prioritize you—God’s people.
We will always invest in customer support, maintain the highest quality clothing, and strive to create designs that fit your taste because we are one family in Christ...